Wal*Mart Offering HD DVD Player Refunds

Joining Best Buy and Circuit City, Wal*Mart is offering an olive branch for the suckersunfortunates who were left with an abandoned format when HD DVD threw in the towel. Wal*Mart will allow you to return your HD DVD player for a refund – if you purchased it after November 1, 2007 and you have the original receipt. Returns must be made by April 30, 2008, and you don’t need the original packaging – just the unit and receipt. SlickDeals.net has the internal Wal*Mart memo about the returns, you may want to bring that along just in case your local store resists the return. Specifically eight models are being accepted for return, the UPCs are listed in the memo.

From SlickDeals and the WSJ, by way of EngadgetHD.

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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  • http://www.facebook.com/bunty.mann.35 Bunty Mann

    great blog u write